Sophie Shnapp / Earth Percent

Sophie Shnapp is a transformative change agent who’s spent her career building bridges between policy, culture and community.

Influencing policy that shapes the structures we need for a new future.
Harnessing culture to inspire the change that turns possibility into reality.
Empowering communities to root that change deep into the soil so new life can grow, for all.

For over a decade Sophie has worked alongside public and private stakeholders to bring a depth of energy and climate expertise to local, EU and international administrations. During her time supporting the European Commission, the IEA, UNEP, the World Bank and more, she realised there was a vital question that kept coming up:

How do we make this sexy? How do we get people to care?

The answer - culture and community - has taken her around the world collaborating with policy-makers, culture-creators, indigenous peoples and frontline activists to bring people together in service of our planet. From pioneering gold standard grant-giving mechanisms as a member of the Executive Committee for Brian Eno’s EarthPercent charity; to founding the world-first ‘CultureCOP’ 2023 which sat alongside COP27 in Egypt; and much more - Sophie’s branches reach far and wide.

The thread that ties it all together, and the solution that will see our world thriving in times to come, is people. Top-down, bottom-up, coming-together work that inspires, engages and above all has impact.

Driving transformative change for a future where our planet, and everyone on it, thrive together.