Our intention is to become a sustainable gathering model that can be used to restore forests and ecosystems all over the world
Yoga, Meditation & Movement
Every morning the gathering begins with a form of yoga, meditation and/or movement practice. This is to support our participants own efforts in establishing a healthy consistent routine that provides them the spaciousness and time to arrive into a new day energised. Practices include: Kundalini, Ashtanga, Hatha Yoga, 5rhythms dance, Social Presencing Theatre and more.
Authentic Relating
Can I speak my truth to my loved ones and be accepted the way I am?
Authentic Relating is a communication tool that equips people with sentence structures they can use in their day to day life to speak authentically and vulnerably with one another about what is really happening in the present moment. It is also a fantastic conflict resolution tool which is used inside the organisation of Primal Gathering and shared with its participants as a way to build trust.
Nutrition is the backbone of any healthy sustainable lifestyle. What you eat is important but they key is to recognise that one size does not fit all. At Primal Gathering, we integrate modalities such as Ayurveda and Macrobiotics into the day to day kitchen and teach tools to empower each person to get to know themselves better. Each participant leaves understanding what their bodies need to feel nourished, with concrete tools and recipes to use at home.
we build, plant and grow on the land we are on as we practice a culture of regeneration
Primal Gatherings mission is to restore forests and eco-systems all over the world. This year we hosted a Reforestation Day and planted 400 trees in a space of 3 hours. We acknowledge it will take decades for forests to mature but it is the best solution we have to reduce dangerous climate change, and preserve ecological systems.
Natural Building
Natural Building is building something in an ethical and conscious way, using local and organic materials, local services and resources and utilising the intelligence and power of your team whilst you build. During Primal Natural Building Gathering in August 2019 we collectively co-created and built an herb garden structure that sits outside the small dojo at Quinta Ten Chi, Sintra, Portugal.
Agroforestry & Permaculture
Agroforestry and Permaculture are the backbone of regenerative and self sustainable community building. We use natures patterns and wisdom to increase biodiversity and reduce soil erosion in the spaces we are in. Learning concrete principles and tools to take home with us when planting and rewilding our own gardens, and build community resilience.
Leaving people and places better than how we find them physically, emotionally and spiritually.
Leaving people and places better than how we find them physically, emotionally and spiritually.