On July 8th Primal and Coração de Cacau invite you to join us for a very special gathering as we receive Bali's beautiful cacao ceremonialists, musicians, and transformational guides Elah & AuSierra to the shores of Portugal for the first time to co-create a mini Bali festival and cacao ceremony with our Portuguese familia.
Bali is a magical spiritual island with strong feminine energy so enriched with ceremony practices. Most who land there change for life. It is impossible not to when you are surrounded by beings there with a strong intention to do the work, practice unconditional love and support each other as we go through our layers and shadows together. However bird tribe lives everywhere.
We may have different names, concepts, languages but the intention and mission is the same. Our hearts know no borders. Familia is everywhere and Primal and Coracao de Cacao are alligned in our mission to support familia wherever they are.
Because the truth is, if one of us makes a step forward, then we all do. Wherever we are.
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This event differs in that we will open the ceremony at 12.30pm.
Opening and closing the container together.
During the day we are blessed with:
Yin Yoga Meditation by Ausierra
Voice healing and Songs with Edgar Valente
Special concert by Elah and Ausierra + Bali friends
Beautiful Bali inspired Cacao Ritual
Sound journey by Filipe Do Carmo Ferreira
A body shaking Primal Tribal Music Gathering with Miguel Anumanu
Mantras by the Fire
** Other special surprises soon to be announced.
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What to bring?
- Your beautiful presence
- Water
- Any special objects or offerings for the alter
- A blanket if you want extra warmth
What not to bring?
- Food or snacks.
Cassandra Bongard will be cooking us lovely delicous vegan food
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About Primal
Primal is a family of healers, spaces and human beings reconnecting with our creature instincts and primal nature through sound, movement, nourishment and creation. Primal is a bridge between healers, spaces and human beings that share this vision, supporting a movement of cocreation and healing wisdom through Portugal with other parts of the world.
The greatest gift of all is to be loved unconditionally
About Coração de Cacau
We are a family co-creating a space where we explore ways of getting together, deeply connecting with ourselves and with each other. It is about living passionate with the heart and believe and trust in ourselves. In Coração de Cacau everything and everyone is magic and medicine by him or herself. We all co-create together and hold the space for each other. We celebrate togetherness in a space of love, where we can nurish our souls and believe fully in ourselves and in life and encourage our special and unique way of our heart.
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Our Artists and Vegan Chef
*More Artists to be announced
Elah & Ausierra
Elah & AuSierra are international musicians, ceremonialists & transformational guides and are an integral component of Bali's beautiful bird tribe. They are two unique artists who have come together to co-create offerings that invoke soul revival, inspire heart opening, and awaken a remembering of the pure love and potential that lives within us all. Elah & AuSierra's intention with their music, ceremonies, trainings, retreats and sessions is to create a harmonic field where all of humanity feels welcome to participate in heart, voice and vision activations and to guide the gatherings towards collective healing and unity.
We are also very blessed to have them host their beautiful Primal: Wild Voices Retreat with Bali's Elah and Ausierra to Re-wild your expression retreat on July 13-15th here in Portugal. Write us on primalcreaturebeings@gmail.com if you are interested.
They are also blessed to have carried these offerings into the hearts of many around the world from Bali, Thailand, Australia, Singapore, Europe & North America. http://www.elahandausierra.com/wild-voices.html
Miguel Anumano
Miguel lives in devotion, to music, intensely since childhood. He is inspired by ancestral healing sounds, is a sound explorer, percussionist, vocalist, multi instrumentist, self-taught, improvisation artist. The Guidelines of his work are, authentic expression from the heart, listening, presence, depth, intuition and flow. Empowering through creativity. Miguel also graduated and keeps learning about holistic medicine travelling through various countries.
He offers concerts with other musicians and solo, tribal celebrations, voice and rhythm circles. Plays sound for dance sessions , conscious movement, healing, yoga, ceremonies and rituals. The family, are a group of warm hearted amazing friends, family, musicians, artists, magicians , healers, fairies and shamans, that hold the space with passion and love.
Edgar Valente
Since very early that voice became the main vehicle of expansion, transmutation, and connection between Edgar with himself, with the world outside and with other unknown dimensions. Music became his definitely first language. Portuguese, is the second. At the age of 21 Edgar co-founded a powerful band called Criatura working with the identity of Portuguese roots, particularly inspired by the strong Cante Alentejano of Serpa. Their first album described as "one of the primest examples of Portugals’ current outburst of energy and creativity” (Folk Roots Magazine). Edgar also preaches the funk with Os Compotas Funk Family as the frontman of the band, and actively participates in new creations, with amazing artists such as (but not limited to) Mariana Root, the urban music producer Sickonce Gijoe, or the brazilian new generation genious composer Luiz Gabriel Lopes.
Filipe Sabia (Filipe do Carmo Ferreira)
Filipe through his deep inner being connection and to the elements of the earth, offers from a place of non-person a unique journey of self-realization bringing the cosmic vibration from above to Pachamama's ground. With an ever present and growing passion for music, vibrational healing, and sacred plant medicine, he now shares the beauty and magic of planetary gongs, Tibetan singing bowls and the hand pan as an extension of his own heart to all the hearts who immerse with him in this dance of creation.
"As Above So Below" a philosophy dear to filiepe that honours sound/vibrations in it's pure state allowing those present to it, to synchronize in order to activate their own ability to self-heal, in a non-verbal communicative way, arriving from a place of non duality where the transitory can be seen from the Divine
Anna Maria Bosky
Founder of Primal, Adpreneurs Innovation and 5Rhythms® Sweat SpaceHolders passionate about freedom, unconditional love and reconnecting with our primal nature through sound, movement, nourishment and creation.
"To create is to bleed what lives within me. A mission to remove obstacles, borders and separation within and between human beings, nature, other creatures and the places we co-inhabit through a language we can all understand - art. Using a method we all have access to, being. Being is the ultimate art form."
Founder of Coração de Cacau, a passionate dancer and follower of the heart and the way of Love. Space creater/holder and organizer of events with the intention of deep reconnection with the heart center and the inner self. Through Music and Dance, Momo encourages living with the heart passionatly and fully believing in our own inner power to create, take responsibility in life and evolve to a higher consciousness.
Cassandra Bongard - Our Vegan Chef
A passionate vegan food lover and student of Naturopathic holistic medicine. A food alchemist with unlimited ideas to create healthy and delicious food with the energy of Love and Kindness, to nourish the body, mind and soul. Cassandra prepares food with the deep understanding that the body is the machine that allows us to fully express our inner power, discover our full physical and spiritual potential and be in harmony with the Universe.
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Offering of 35 euros with food
(1 vegan delicous meal and light dinner)
As we are serving food, it's important you reserve your place to confirm your attendance by emailing us at primalcreaturebeings@gmail.com
If you do not want food please let us know.
If you want to propose an exchange for the value of the entry get in touch with us on primalcreaturebeings@gmail.com
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