Andy Goldring / Permaculture association

Andy is Chief Executive of the Permaculture Association, the UK charity that helps more people do more permaculture. He was once a fine art student studying sculpture at Leeds Polytechnic, but soon after came across permaculture and fell madly in love with its blend of ethical purpose, design principles and practical action. You can generally find Andy behind a computer screen, behind the handlebars of his bike or picking fruit on his allotment in Leeds. He is an active teacher and part of the Climate Action Leeds team, developing a city-scale initiative that is inventing new ways to get people inventing and co-creating a zero-carbon, nature-friendly, socially just future.

Permaculture Association Britain // Inspired by nature. 

Permaculture is more than just a different way to garden. It’s a fresh perspective, inspired by nature, that helps us make better-informed choices which give the planet and its people the best chance at flourishing.

The Permaculture Association is the UK’s leading charity providing nature-based solutions. Since 1983, our members have been at the forefront of regenerative agriculture, green community development, sustainable living and natural gardening.

Together we are radically and positively making changes to the way we live. Working with teachers, permaculture-inspired projects and individuals, we're helping to educate, connect, support and redesign all aspects of our daily lives to transform ourselves, our communities and our landscapes.